These two guys are not some of them. In fact, I think that's a pretty good "Bad Tummy Time" Bill Paxton likeness. And that Michael Biehn likeness is undoubtedly superior to what you are about to witness if you read on. As a side note, both of these figures are currently on sale at the All Star Comics Melbourne Toy Cabinet!! Whoa. Shameless Plug. |
There's something about enjoying a movie property that often makes us want to own merchandise of it. This wasn't always the case, but certainly these days it has become quite a common occurrence. It's practically expected. That's a good thing because otherwise I'd have nothing to write about this week.
And as the title of this feature may have already given away, I will not be focussing on the crowning glories of silver screen to action figure accuracy. Nay! I want to look at some of the ones that look nothing like their cinematic counterparts.
What you are about to read is by no means definitive. In fact, the chosen examples were literally the first that sprang to mind. I know, for a fact, that there are many, many more to choose from. As such, we may revisit this subject again in due course.
Note: This feature was written whilst sick with The Death Flu, and as such, I uncharacteristically have not sourced or linked any of my borrowed photos (which is pretty much all of the pics that don't have a blue background). Now I can't remember where I got them from - if this is you, tell me and I will add links. So sorry.